An unexpected endeavor, born from a mother-daughter connection …
Trail Folk Designs was born in November of 2019, just over a year after my mom suffered a terrible stroke that would ultimately leave her blind. My mom has always been creative, making all sorts of items in her “free” time of raising four children, me being the youngest. She is the ultimate crafts person, literally able to make treasures out of nothing.
I started dabbling in jewelry making quite unintentionally following my mom's hospitalization, and from there it became a full-fledged passion that I just couldn’t get enough of. I cannot fully explain how Trail Folk Designs came to fruition, but I do know it was meant to be. While I do not think I'll be able to ever fill my mom's shoes, I'm happy to carry a small part of her creative torch in the meantime. Each piece of Trail Folk truly tells a story and is made with deep-rooted love.
Art, creativity, and the outdoors have always been a part of my life. I started in photography around age 13 or so, and 15 years later received my BFA in Photography from Southern Utah University. I dabbled in music as a young adult as well, and now play mandolin and sing in the americana band, Mountaintop Sound.
I cherish childhood memories of hiking, boulder climbing, and camping with family, and continue to find inspiration in the outdoors and get into the beauty of Mother Earth any moment I get.
Every piece of Trail Folk Designs is made with my mama and Mama Earth in mind. All packaging materials are recyclable and the majority of my supplies come from other small independent businesses.